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Jamaa Fanaka, who emerged as a dynamic black filmmaker with his gritty independent 1979 film “Penitentiary” and later made headlines with his legal battles alleging widespread discrimination against women and ethnic minorities in the film and television industry, has died. He was 69.
Fanaka was found dead in his apartment in south Los Angeles on Sunday, said his daughter Tracy L. Gordon. The cause of death has not been determined, but she said it probably was the result of complications of diabetes.
The Mississippi-born Fanaka was still enrolled in the UCLA film school when he wrote, produced and directed his first three feature films, financed with competitive academic grants and directed his parents: “Welcome Home, Brother Charles”(1975), “Emma Mae”(1976) and “Penitentiary,” which was both a critical and box-office success.
In his review of “Penitentiary,” the Los Angeles Times’ Kevin Thomas wrote that Fanaka “has taken one of the movies’ classic myths, the wrongly imprisoned man who fights for his freedom with boxing gloves, and made it a fresh and exciting experience.”

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