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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Introduction
1) Executive summary.
2) Market commentary.
3) Brief Buiness Summary
Ⅰ. Onse Telecom
Ⅲ. SK Broadband

2. Body
1) Comparison of financial Index
① Current ratio (유동비율)
② Debt ratio (부채비율)
③ Debt / equity ratio (부채 대 자기자본비율)
④ Profit margin (순이익률)
⑤ Return on equity (자기자본 이익률)
⑥ Earning per share (주당순이익)

2) Trend of the stock prices for the past three months
3) Trend of the stock prices for the past three years
4) BETA & Abnormal Returns Analysis

3. Conclusion
The best Investment based on analysis

4. References


1. Introduction

1) Excutive summary

We, Group Jewelry, investigated three telecommunication companies: Onse Telecom, NICE ⓔ-Banking Services, and SK Broadband. We will start by introducing brief summary of each companies such as business summary, company history, and current state of the stockholders. The body is a comparative analysis of the financial ratio of each companies with graphs. β factors and abnormal return analysis are included as well. On the basis of β factors and abnormal returns, we will select one company as the best investment in the last part.
Our survey showed that each βs of the companies are calculated at 0.05, 0.82, and 0.53. A β factor refers to how sensitively each type of stock prices is effected by the composite price index`s swings. If β of a company is 1, it means the same variability as the index`s. If β is less than 1, the lower. We found that Onse Telecom has the lowest variability compared with the index`s. Also, the analysis of abnormal returns turned out that all three companies are making lower profits compared with the normal return rate of increase.

2) Telecommunication market commentary

In the Telecommunication Industry, a large scale of capital is pre-invested and the investment is recouped over a long period of time. Telecommunication Industry is characterized by economy of scale ― as the number of subscribers grows, the average cost becomes lower ― and economy of scope ― as the invested equipment facilitate offering the various services, so the cost becomes diversified. So, aggressive leading investment and preoccupancy of the market are what will make or break this business.
Telecommunication Industry is knowledge-intensive industry which includes rapid development of technology and propagation of new services. It is more of a public property that has a strong influence on the national economy, and will be strongly regulated by the government.

참고 자료

야후 금융 - http://kr.stock.yahoo.com/
네이버 금융 - http://finance.naver.com/
네이트 증권 - http://stock.nate.com/
상장공시시스템 - http://kind.krx.co.kr/
팍스넷 - http://paxnet.moneta.co.kr

한국전자금융 http://www.nicebanking.co.kr/index.asp온세텔레콤 http://www.onsetel.co.kr/main.jsp
SK브로드밴드 http://www.skbroadband.com/

박원익(2010),「이왕 헤어질 거 빠른게 좋겠지만..」이데일리 기사,인터넷 판
심재현(2010),「코스닥 500선지지..센트리온 강세」머니투데이 기사, 인터넷판
심재현(2010),「코스닥 마감,나흘째 상승, 외인 부활」머니투데이 기사, 인터넷 판
송정렬(2008),「온세텔레콤,1Q영업익 12억..흑전성공」머니투데이 기사, 인터넷 판
박재환(2009),「온세텔, AP시스템과 위성통신 서비스 제휴」이데일리 기사, 인터넷 판

김지은(2008),「<특징주>한국전자금융, 액면분할에 급등세」아시아경제 기사, 인터넷 판
박지환(2007),「하나로텔, 대주주로부터 "계약 사실 통보 받았다"」이데일리 기사, 인터넷 판
이학선(2008),「하나로텔, 美 디즈니와 콘텐츠 제휴」이데일리 기사, 인터넷 판
안재만(2008),「코스닥, 닷새째 `주르륵`..370선 하회(마감)」이데일리 기사, 인터넷 판
한창율(2009),「온세텔레콤 급등..4번째 이동통신사 설립 `가능`」이데일리 기사, 인터넷 판
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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