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Inside Burma

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최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기






Burma, which was renamed to Myanmar by is military rulers, is a country that is located on the eastern border of Indian Ocean. It is a beautiful country with a population of 45 million people and rich natural resources such as oil and gas, but it also is a country that still suffers from brutal military dictatorship. It has been more than thirty-four years since the military general seized power over Burmese citizens and the world does not acknowledge much about their pains. Much of Burma’s money comes from foreign tour industry which is the main reason for the Burmese’s sufferings. People of Burma longed for democracy and even fought for democracy, but their freedom and rights seem so vague.
General Ne Win, who once fought for independence with the Burma’s heroic figure, Aung San, took over power by military coup in 1962. After suffering from 26 years of autocracy, students of Burma demonstrated against Ne Win on August 8th, 1988 for democracy.

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