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영문 경제 경영- Are regulatory measures over financial markets appropriate these days? Case study of the U.S. financial crisis

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최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2008년 에 불어닥친 미국 금융위기의 원인을 사례로 하여 정부의 금융감독이 적절 하였는지를 비판하는 영문 레포트 입니다.




Are regulatory measures over financial markets appropriate these days?
In the fields of economics, the ‘Invisible hand’ first postulated by the Scottish economist Adam Smith has been frequently emphasised when discussing government’s market involvement. Economists use the term to describe the self-regulating nature of the market place without an intervention by the third party. Adam Smith insisted that the human nature to pursuit self-interest would result in the market places with productive and allocative efficiency. Otherwise, interferences by the governments would not bring the economical efficiency.
Markets these days, as Adam Smith argued, have been enjoying their own beneficiary activities with only few legal regulations. However, I would like to assert that government’s involvement these days in major financial markets is not appropriate. The subprime mortgage crisis that led to the credit crunch could be a good example of representing inadequate government’s involvement in

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영문 경제 경영- Are regulatory measures over financial markets appropriate these days? Case study of the U.S. financial crisis
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