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  • 아이템매니아 이벤트


최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


. IntroductionIn times of government leading, various unpleasant facilities or profit-making business are determined and just informed as top-down way. But after beginning of local self govern, interdependences between central-local government or local-local government are deepen in process of determining facilitie`s position.


I. Introduction

Ⅱ. Main discussion

1. Ideological background

2. Development process of Buan and Gyeonju
1) Case of Buan
2) Case of Gyeonju

3. Case analysis
1) Causes of Buan`s failure
(1) Financial causes
(2) Political causes
(3) Other causes
2) Causes of Gyeonju`s success
(1) Financial causes
(2) Political causes
(3) Other causes

4. Case summary & evaluation

Ⅲ. Conclusion


Ⅰ. Introduction

In times of government leading, various unpleasant facilities or profit-making business are determined and just informed as top-down way. But after beginning of local self govern, interdependences between central-local government or local-local government are deepen in process of determining facilitie`s position. On the other hand, because unpleasant facilities such as waste disposal site or incineration plant are highly controversial topic, development process of determining facilitie`s position seems complicated. Various government`s attitude dealing with collecting pros and cons opinion is very important influent factors in development process. So our study will analyze success factors and failure factors in determining facilitie`s position focusing on intergovernmental relationships. As specific examples, our study based on processing of Buan and Gyeonju`s competition of attracting radioactive waste disposal facility. and we splited success and failure factors into financial causes, political causes, other causes. Implications of our study is suggesting guideline which way is appropriate for success in determining facilitie`s position. Based on our study, central and local government`s adjustment and policy which have to be done will be clarified.

참고 자료

Robert Agranoff. 2004. Another Look at Bargaining and Negotiating in Intergovernmental
Management. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Yoo-Sung Choi. 2004. Intergovernmental Relation in Korea and Japan. International
Review of Public Administration.
김태창. 2008. 방사성폐기물처분장 입지정책의 집행과정 연구. 호서대학교.
김현정. 2007. 방사성폐기물처리장 입지 갈등관리의 성패요인에 관한연구. 서울시립대학교.
김흥희. 2011. 협력 거버넌스 모형의 구축과 적용. 정부학연구 제17권 제2호.
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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