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Mancur Olson’s Theory Observed from Locke and Marx’s Viewpoints

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1. 이 글은 국가 기원에 대한 Mancur Olson의 입장을 로크와 맑스의 입장에서 비교한 영어 레포트 입니다.




Mancur Olson’s Theory Observed from Locke and Marx’s Viewpoints
Mancur Olson defines anarchy as the state of no peace and order. According to his theory, when the size of a group is small, public goods such as peace and order can be provided by voluntary agreements among the members of a group. As the population grows, however, provision of public goods becomes increasingly difficult due to the cheating problem, and this in turn leads to a full stop of provision of public goods t in the future. As a consequence, society falls into the state of anarchy, and nobody is willing to engage in investment or production, because he knows too well that his produce will be stolen by roving bandits in the near future. As such, Olson understands anarchy in the viewpoint of political economy, focusing on its effects on economic activities.
Locke has the same perception of the chaotic feature of anarchy, but he observes it with a political standpoint. Locke understands anarchy is the state of nat

참고 자료

J. P. Nettle, “The State as a Conceptual Variable,” World Politics, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1968 (July).
Mancur Olson, “Dictatorship, Democracy and Development,” American Political Science Review, Vol. 87, No. 3, 1993, pp. 567-576.
Martin Carnoy, The State and Political Theory (Princeton University Press, 1984). Read Ch. 1 (pp. 10-43, 44-88).
Robert Dahl, On Democracy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), Chs3 (pp. 7-34).
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Mancur Olson’s Theory Observed from Locke and Marx’s Viewpoints
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