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Data Link Model of 4D Simulation for Optimization of Schedule Management

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최종 저작일
5페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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본 논문은 건축공학 전문 국제학술저널의 학술발표대회에 게재된 본인의 논문입니다.

The most important purpose of 4D schedule simulation is to support the decision making between
participants at construction phase. To achieve this purpose, the 4D simulation created by linking the BIM
objects with schedule activities visually provides participants of construction with phase information, such as
work schedule, quantity of materials, and cost in real time.
In construction site, however, there are many problems which disturb working process due to overwork
and under-productivity. Thus far, the 4D simulation has been used merely to understand the whole schedule
of building process visually and to brief the construction progress to executives or CEOs by using 4D
visualization. In other words, the availability of 4D simulation in construction site is limited, compared to the
time and effort to produce the 4D modeling. So, it is required to optimize the relationship between the BIM
objects and schedule activities to make the best use of the 4D modeling.
This paper will propose data link model to optimize 4D modeling and simulation. Also, the classification
of 4D simulations according to their purposes will be suggested to avoid the inefficient overworks and to set
up the customized 4D simulation for different uses. Ultimately, it is expected that the principle of data model
link will make the schedule managements more effective in real construction sites.


1. Introduction

2. Basic questionnaire survey on recognition of 4D Simulation

3. Problem analysis on 4D Simulation

4. Link pattern between the BIM objects and Schedule activities
4.1 Relationship between the BIM objects and Schedule activities
4.2 Characteristics of data link pattern

5. Definition of 4D Simulation Types Based on the Use

6. Concluding remarks

7. Acknowledgment

8. References


The BIM allows planners to create, review, and edit 4D models more frequently, which has led to the better implementation and more reliable schedules. The following sections discuss the benefits of 4D models and the various options planners may have when producing them. But, looking at the status of 4D Simulation application in the domestic BIM-based projects, we may find out there was no big effect. Accordingly, this study was designed to grasp the necessity of 4D Simulation through a basic questionnaire survey, and propose a solution scheme in the data management aspects to maximize the effect. In short, the data relationship models between the BIM objects and Schedule activities will be examined, and then the simulations will be classified according to their uses, on the basis of investigated relationship.

참고 자료

1) Cherneff, J., Logcher, R., and Sriram, D. (1991) Integrating CAD
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2) J. Tulke, M. Nour and K. Beucke (2008) Decomposition of BIM
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European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, France
3) Ju Gao and Martin Fischer (2008) Framework & Case Studies
Comparing Implementations & Impacts of 3D/4D Modeling Across
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4) Koo B. and Fischer M. (2000) Feasibility Study of 4D CAD in
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5) Lee, Jae-Cheol (2002) Definition and Implementation of Object
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6) Sheryl Staub-French and Atul Khanzode (2007) 3D and 4D
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7) V. K. Bansal and Mahesh Pal (2008) Generating, Evaluating, and
Visualizing Construction Schedule with Geographic Information
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8) Yoon, Byung-Sik, Lim, Chul-Woo, Yu, Jung-Ho and Kim,
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Domestic Construction Site. Proceedings of Annual Conference of
Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management,
9) Yi, Chang-Yong and Lee, Dong-Eun (2009) An Integrated
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(COSMOS) using Nesting Method. Architectural Institute of Korea,
Vol.25(9), 153-163
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Data Link Model of 4D Simulation for Optimization of Schedule Management
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