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진동 및 동적 시스템 실험 단진자 실험 보고서 (영어)

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진동 및 동적 시스템 실험의 단진자 실험 보고서 입니다.

주제는 Simple/Compound Pendulum and Free Vibration Experiments 입니다.

영어(원어)로 작성된 보고서이며

결과분석 및 고찰을 포함하고 있습니다.

신경써서 쓴 보고서 이며 성적또한 최고 성적을 받았던 보고서 입니다.

유용하게 쓰시기 바랍니다.


1. Purpose of experiment
1.1 Purpose of The Pendulum Experiments
1.2 Purpose of the Free Vibration

2. Experimental equipment
2.1 Simple pendulum
2.2 Compound Pendulum
2.3 FFT
2.4 Spring

3. Theory
3.1 Simple pendulum
3.2 Compound pendulum
3.3 Spring
3.4 Hooke`s law
3.5 Simple harmonic motion
3.6 Parallel axis theorem
3.7 Center of percussion

4. Result
4.1 Simple/Compound pendulum
4.2 Free Vibration

5. Conclusion
5.1 Causes of errors Simple pendulum
5.2 Causes of errors Compound pendulum
5.3 Causes of errors Free Vibration
5.4 Conclusion

6. Reference


1.1 Purpose of The Pendulum Experiments

As a pendulum`s length increases, the time that a pendulum returns to original position, referred to as a period, gets increased after its motion. The period of a pendulum is not simply proportional to the length of a pendulum, and it is necessary to understand the characteristics of its dynamics based on the analysis of a system model. In this experiment, to understand the relations between simple and compound pendulums, the analysis on a simple pendulum having a concentrated point mass is firstly conducted, and then the analysis on a compound pendulum having a specific shape is also carried out. In addition, in the case of a compound pendulum, the concept of the center of percussion and the effect of friction dnd to a pendulum`s percussial motion are experimentally studied.

참고 자료

- 성균관대학교 진동 및 동적 시스템 실험 메뉴얼
- http://www.tutorvista.com/content/physics/physics-i/measurement-and-
- http://www.roymech.co.uk/Useful_Tables/Vibrations/Free_Vibrations.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooke`s_law
- http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/301/lectures/node141.html
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