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About garbage can model (쓰레기통 모델)

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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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쓰레기통 모델에 대해서 영어로 작성한 전공 레포트




About garbage can model
Development of the garbage can model-the garbage can model of organizational theory was developed in 1972 by Michael D. Cohen, James G. March and Johan P. Olsen. It Was developed in reference to "ambiguous behaviors", i.e explanations of behaviors which at least appear to contradict classical theory. The Garbage Can Model was greatly influenced by the realization that extreme cases of aggregate uncertainty in decision environments would trigger behavioral responses which, at least from a distance, appear "irrational" or at least not in compliance with the total rationality of "economic man". The Garbage Can Model was originally formulated in the context of the operation of universities and their many inter-departmental communications problems.

참고 자료

Cohen, Michael D, James G. March, Johan P, Olsen A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice Administrative Science Quarterly PP.1-25
Kiduff M, Angelmar R, Mehra A, Top management-team diversity and firm performance: Examining the role of cognitions, ORGANIZATION SCIENCE, 11: (1)21-34
1. Joseokjun, histology lectures, Seoul National University Press, 2006. P.222-226
2. Joseokjun, South Korea administrative and organizational culture: `community ` as a model, the British Press, 2004. P.102-104
3. Lee, WJ, E-SCM-effective control system for decision-making model, Jipmoondang, 2004. P.78-81

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