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research paper on japan`s brutality

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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Five thousand years of Korean history defines thirty five years under the rules of Japan nationalization and colonization as the most disgraceful time which amputated the legitimacy of Korea and discontinued national history. As Japan rapidly modernized during the Meiji period in 1860s, it worked on activating diplomatic policy with Korea. In fact, in 1876, it induced Korea to sign the Treaty of Ganghwa which was the beginning of the most humiliating period in Korean history: Japan nationalization and colonization.
Taking Donghak peasants revolution as an opportunity in 1894, Japan succeeded to push out Chinese influence in Korea which was the original suzerain state in Korea. Japan started to get involved in reforming Korean politic with the Reform of 1894. Then after Japan led assassination of Empress Myungsung, Japan was pushed by Russian power for a while but victory in Russo-Japan war in 1904 recognized its superiority over politic, military and economy.
Japan started fundamental colonization on August 22, 1904 with the conclusion of ‘Korea-Japan Agreement on Using Foreign advisor ’. This agreement stopped Korea from appointing foreigner on government duty without Japan’s permission. This is also called the first Korea-Japan agreement which was the beginning of tortured politic. In 1905, as the second agreement ‘the Treaty of Protection of 1905’ was signed, it built the Residency-General in February 1906 starting substantial control with so called Protection politic.
The ruling of Josun government-general had some changes in governing policy depending on the period, however, the unchanged main policies were oppression of Koreans for easy colonization, obliteration of native characteristics and obscuration to put Korea under complete authority of Japan as

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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research paper on japan`s brutality
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