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영어 영작 숙제




special days

People have their personal special days.
They wait expectantly it and commemorate it or are commemorated in each unique way. Usually, when their friends celebrate a marriage or birthday, they may congratulate them on a commermoratin day and make a gift to their friend. It is as happy as happy that someone sincerely celebrate their own days of remembrance.
If you keep company with girl friend, you will commemorate an anniversary every year. This occasions may be spent by especial event.

My birthday is most special day to me. I am happy to get congratulation and present from people who I know, but I appreciate to my parents first. I am existing because they are existing. Therefore, I appreciate to my parents first before I get congratulation from my parents and friends on my birthday.
I usually spend my birthday with my friends. I spend to go to movie, hold a

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