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어학연수 발표 자료 Animal Experimentation 2003.ppt

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어학연수 발표 자료 Animal Experimentation 2003.ppt


Advantage of experimenting on animals
Saving human lives
Enriching biomedical research

Disadvantages of experimenting on animals
Causing pain to animals
Animals are not identical to human beings
Misleading result
Wasting of resources
Reference list


Research question:
Is it morally acceptable to experiment on animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?

Definition (Scientific research)

*Saves human lives
In the United States
-Heart disease

*Enriching biomedical research
Understanding the nervous system
Role of vitamins
Function of neurons

참고 자료

Anderegg, C, Archibald, A, Bailey, J, Cohen, M, Kaufman,S , Pippin, J (2009). The Value of
Animal Experimentation Is Exaggerated. Current Controversies: Rights of Animals.
Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press
Burgos, J. B. (2000). Animal Experimentation Is Unscientific. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Conn, P. M., & Parker, J. V. (2008). Winners and losers in the Animal-Research War.(MACROSCOPE). American Scientist, 96(3), 184(183).
Fox, M. A. (1986). The case of Animal experimentation. University of Californian Press.
Frey, R. G. (2000). Animal Experimentation Needs Moral Justification. At Issue: Animal Experimentation. Ed. David M. Haugen. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Greek, C. R., & Greek, J. S. (2002). Animal Experimentation Is Unscientific. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Hurley, J. A. (1999). Animal Experimentation Is Never Justified. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Langely, G. (1989). Animal Experimentation The Consensus Changes: THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD.
Miller, S. R. A. (2005). Animal Experimentation Is Unnecessary. Contemporary Issues Companion: Animal Rights. Ed. Shasta Gaughen. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Monamy, V (2000).Animal Experimentation a Guide to the Issues. Cambridge university
Rosser,H (2007). Animal Experimentation…a necessary evil?. Australia: Australian
Association for Human Research lnc
Sabin, H. (2000). Animal Research Saves Human Lives. At Issue: Animal Experimentation. Ed. David M. Haugen. San Diego, Greenhaven Press
Stuart W.G. (2009) Animal Experimentation Is Not Ethical. At Issue: Animal
Experimentation. Ed. Ronnie D. Lankford, Jr. Detroit, Greenhaven Press.
Treanor, N. (2005). Animal Rights: the United States of America, New York:Thomson Gale.
Wolff, J. (2009). Pro and Con Positions Oversimplify Animal Experimentation Issues. At Issue: Animal Experimentation. Ed. Ronnie D. Lankford, Jr. Detroit, Greenhaven Press


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