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위치 인식 방법 및 시스템

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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전송 세기 조절을 이용한 위치 인식 방법 및 시스템




In wireless sensor network, localization is one of the important issues to efficiently support advanced location-aware services. The system proposed in this paper aims to offer localization function with selective accuracy, which is in close relation to energy consumption and calculating power, to maximize its adaptability on diverse platforms with different resource limitations. The underlying environment of the system consists of two different kinds of nodes according to their behaviors. The reference nodes have fixed locations and possess the exact position information, while the device nodes may be mobile or immobile, and estimate their locations based on the information received from nearby reference nodes. The accuracy of the position data kept in reference nodes are therefore very critical, and may affect the reliability of the entire system. Moreover, lowering power consumption of mobile device nodes is another important concern, since their locations are ought to be frequently re-estimated.

참고 자료

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[7] J. Werb and C. Lanzl, “Designing a Positioning System for Finding Things and People Indoors,” IEEE Spectrum, vol. 35, no. 9, Sept. 1998, pp. 71–78.
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