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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
34페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


세계적인 4A (AAAA) 기관과 관련된 ethics, regulation and issues 를 국제적 관점과 말에이시아 로컬 관점으로 분석한 자료 입니다.


1.0 Introduction to 4A’s

2.0 4A’s
2.1 Main Objectives
2.2 Responsibilities
2.3 Activities and Achievements
2.3.1 Inter-Relations
2.3.2 Agency Management Services
2.3.3 Training and Professional Developments
2.3.4 Creative Standards
2.4 Standard of Conduct
2.5 2009-2011 Council Members

3.0 Constitution and By-laws

4.0 Current Issues and News
4.1 Putra Brand Awards 2010
4.2 Advertising spending 22% higher in Q1

5.0 4A’s Ethics
5.1 How to define “ethics”
5.2 Ethics in Advertising
5.3 4A’s Ethical Slandered
5.4 Ethical Issues

6.0 Conclusion


4 A`s was founded in 1917 and headquartered in New York City. AAAA is the national association of leading U.S. Advertising agencies. Members are elected after filing application, and any agency judged to be unethical is denied membership.
Represented in three regions-Eastern, Central, and Western-the organization functions as a great force in monitoring industry wide advertising practices and improving the standards of agency business. Its members place more than 80% of all national advertising.
In addition, this organization represents the advertising agency business in the public service work of the advertising council, inc., and sponsors the AAAA Educational Foundation, which offers a program of grants and fellowships for graduate schools. It also operates a group insurance plan and a group pension/profit-sharing plan for the benefit of personnel in member agencies.

The 4As is the Association Of Accredited Advertising Agents of Malaysia. It was founded in the 1960’s to promote good advertising and inform the public better on the availability of goods and services and in doing so, promote the interest of ad agencies with their clients, the advertisers.

The Association deals with industry issues and makes recommendations to its members. It negotiates for better practices with the other industries and industry bodies having direct or indirect relationship with the advertising business. It liaises with Government and other bodies on matters affecting the work of advertising as a whole, in representing its members’ interest as responsible, professional practitioners of advertising.

참고 자료

David S.Waller & Kim Shyan Fam. (2000). Advertising Of Controversial Products: The Malaysian Experience. Retrieved Jun 2, 2010, from ANZAMC database.
Christine Scivicque. (2007). How to Define Ethics.

Dr. Gomathi Viswanathan. (n.d.). Ethics in Advertising.

Charles U. (2009). Reception and Responsibility. Cengage Learning Publishing.
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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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