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김기덕 나쁜남자 분석 영작 영문 에세이 입니다.

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김기덕 나쁜남자 분석 영작 영문 에세이 입니다.
매우 자세하게 분석되어 있습니다. 원어민 감수하여 영작 정확합니다




`Making my lover a prostitute.` The movie <Bad Guy> drew attention of many people. I wondered how the hierarchical structure worked in the movie, along with how the relationship between Sunwha and Hangi in the whole narrative circulation structure should be interpreted. Thus, this text will specifically analyze the movie in order to answer such questions, and furthermore compare and contrast with Kim Kiduk`s other piece of work, the <3 Irons>.
Let`s think of the scene which Sunwha and Hangi first met. Their contrasting outfit hints how they are definitely not of the `same kind.` Unlike Hangi who has rather dark colored skin, a gloomy cloud around him and dressed in black, Sunwha is wearing a white cardigan which goes well along with her bright face. The images of the two are in contrast. Hangi`s eyes are always set on Sunwha, which the camera catches them in the center, parallel to the bench.
In director Kim`s interview, Jung Sung Il, a critic, said that this scene portrayed an artificial, kitsch-like sentiment and is rather unrealistic.

참고 자료

1. Jeong seongil meets Kim Kiduk .(cine 21 interviw )
-In addition , there are in the book <Wild or scapegoat>, Happy reading, Published 2003. So, I`ll mention this book’s page.
2. Jeong hyojin, Study on "Hiding - exposing" of Kim Kiduk Films - Focusing on <Bad Guy> and <3 Irons>

이 자료와 함께 구매한 자료

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