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중국의 무한한 기회(The Infinite opportunities in China)

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) The new rules are a welcome invitation for foreign investors interested in entering China`s rapidly developing securities markets as shareholders in fund-management and securities companies. China`s stock market hopes that including foreign companies in the indexes will speed up economic reforms. The benefits will be huge for both Chinese market and foreign investor.
In conclusion, following China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, there will be various opportunities for investment in China. “China is one of the markets that experience the most rapid growth in the world.”(Gupta 3) Though, people think the political environment in China is still a big problem for foreign investors, this point of view will be soon destroy by the attractive new economic environments and business opportunities in China. From the information given above, people can have a primary understanding about the attractive investable areas in China. In order to promote the world’s economic development, the developed countries should give help to the developing countries. Invest in China can gains huge benefits, also can help to speed up China’s development. There are vast and infinite opportunities waiting for foreign pioneers to capture.

참고 자료

Dennis, William. “Invest Or Not? The Big Question As China Relaxes Restrictions.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 157.11 (9 Sep 2002): 43

Gupta, S. D. “Chinese market diversification gaining.” Erlanger 8 Jul. 2002: 15

Hutchens, Walter. “China`s securities markets open to foreign investment.” The China Business Review 29.5 (Sep/Oct 2002): 34

Lawrence, Susan V. “Where`s the new business for distant Yinchuan? Luring foreign money is still an uphill task.” Far Eastern Economic Review 165.39 (Oct 2002)

Powell, Bill. “It`s all made in China now.” Fortune 145.5 (4 Mar. 2002): 121-128

Koo. “China: New guidelines introduced for foreign investors.” International Financial Law Review 21.5 (May 2002): 1

Leskela, Lane. “Commentary: How to invest in China.” CNET News.com (June 2002)

“What is WTO?” www.wto.org
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