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Constructivism & agent-structure debate

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최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 7,000원 할인쿠폰받기


본 Essay는 제가 런던정경대(London School of Economics & Political Science)의 국제관계학 석사 과정 시 작성했던 Essay이며, 70점을 받았던 Essay 입니다. (일반적으로 70점 이상은 전체 학생의 5~10%에게 부여)
Essay Question 은 Discuss whether constructivism resolves the agent-structure debate in international theory 이며 편의상 Constructivism & agent-structure debate는 제목으로 바꿔서 올립니다.

참고로 제 Essay 및 논문을 표절의 형식으로 사용하시지 않길 요청드리며, idea generation 의 참고자료로 사용하시길 부탁드립니다.


I. Introduction
II. Nature of ‘agent-structure’ debate
III. Constructivist answer to the ‘agent-structure’ debate
IV. Fallacies of Constructivism
V. Conclusion


III. Constructivist answer to the ‘agent-structure’ debate
Constructivism might be seen as an eclectic approach since it argues that the ‘agent-structure problem is solved by giving agents and structures equal and therefore irreducible ontological status’ . However, its rationale and logic can be seen as rather unique since it provides an alternative view on the debate in the light of the importance of ‘normative structure’ and ‘interest formation’.
First, Constructivism highlights not only ‘material structure’ but also ‘normative structure’. Normative structure is said to be ‘systems of shared ideas, beliefs and values’ which ‘exert a powerful influence on social and political action’ . It is significant for material structure since ‘material resources only acquire meaning for human action through the structure of shared knowledge in which they are embedded’ . For instance, despite the importance of military and material structure, the idea of identity in ‘established structures of friendship and enmity’ gives the material balance of power between the United States and Canada radically different meanings from that between the United States and Cuba . This leads us to raise another important question, which is the relationship between normative (ideational) structure and interest formation.

참고 자료

Hollis, Martin. and Smith, Steve. Explaining and Understanding International Relations, (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1991).
Kegley Jr, Charles W. & Wittkopf, Eugene. R. World Politics : Trend and Formation, (Boston : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1999), 4th edition.
eus-Smit, Christian. “Constructivism” in Scott Burchill, Richard Devetak, Andrew Linklater, Matthew Paterson, Christian Reus-Smit and Jacqui True eds., Theories of International Relations, (London : Palgrave, 1996), 2nd edition.
Wendt, Alexander. “Anarchy is What States Make of It : The Social Construction of Power Politics”, International Organization 45, no.2, Spring (1992).
Wendt, Alexander. “The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory”, International Organization 41, no. 3, summer (1997).
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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