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Dicussion about Oedipus self punishment

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오이디푸스가 저지른 실수에 대한 도덕적 접근.




Oedipus doesn’t want to make predicted errors. Oedipus’s predicted errors go against his sense of morality. So I think his moral sense makes him to take a trip to avoid his predicted tragedies. We can further consider about normally accepted senses from Oedipus’s reaction. We all know that sleeping with mother and killing father is definitely against our moral sense. And especially killing people makes we feel guilty due to inherent of morality. From Oedipus’s reaction, I think Oedipus has same thought like us, and that is why Oedipus decides to go somewhere far from Corinth. We can see Oedipus’s moral sense against killing people from his speech about killer of King Laios.
As for criminal, I pray to God-
Whether it be a lurking thief, or one of a number-
I pray that man’s life be consumed in evil and wretchedness.
And as for me, this curse applies no less
If it should turn out that the culprit is my guest here,
Sharing my hearth. )
Oedipus curses the criminal who killed King Laios. Oedipus wants to punish that criminal. From this speech, I think Oedipus also has similar conception like us against killing people.

참고 자료

Dudey Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald, eds. SOPHOCLESs THE OEDIPUS CYCLE: Harcourt.Florida, 1977.
Edwin Carawan. "`THE EDICT OF OEDIPUS (OEDIPUS TYRANNUS 223-51)" The American Journal of Philology, Vol.120, (summer, 1999): PP. 187-222
Karl Harshbarger. "Who Killed Laius" The Tulane Drama Review, Vol.9,No.4 (summer, 1965):, pp. 120-131
P. H. Vellacott. "The Guilt of Oedipus" Greece & Rome, Second Series, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Oct., 1964), pp.137-148
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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