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An interactive approach to build an influence diagram based on Neural Neworks

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1. Introduction
2. Influence diagram
3. Decision class analysis and neural network
4. Neural network based process to build an ID
5. Interactive procedure to build an ID
6. An illustrative case example
7. Conclusions
8. References


Building an Influence diagram in decision analysis is known to be a most complicated and burdensome process. The use of neural networks to generate influence diagrams in the topological level results in a good performance, the generated ID is usually not a well-formed influence diagram. Furthermore it needs more modification to be applicable to real decision problems, especially when group decision participants are involved.
This research suggests an interactive procedure to build a well-formed influence diagram from the initial influence diagram generated from neural networks which are thought to be an approximation of experts’ (explicit or implicit) interpretation of decision problem. Our procedure is composed of two phases; one is to modify the influence diagram by each decision participant, the other one is to resolve the differences of group’s influence diagram interactively. We applied our procedure to an analogous land development and conservation problems. When the problem is complicated and group decision participants are involved, this research is expected to be more useful to inexpensively model a decision problem.

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An interactive approach to build an influence diagram based on Neural Neworks
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