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개념적 의미에 관한 몇 가지 오해에 대하여

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Kim. Soolong(1997), On the several misunderstanding about the conceptual meaning-Why the conceptual meaning is the discourse meaning? Discourse and Cognition, 4-2. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the several misunderstanding about the conceptual meaning. The conceptual meaning by Leech(1974) is the discourse meaning on our view of context and discourse. Usually this meaning is based on generality. But the generality is not universality, so such a generality is only the extention of the particurality by the context and the general discourse. The conceptual meaning becomes the general idea itself or the ground of general idea. And that meaning is the presuppositon or the part of presupposition. In our society there are many cases which that meaning is abused badly. Also that meeaning have the intention of abstraction which is unreality. This meaning is not static, but dianamic and the relative meaning which can be different on the context. Usually they say that the conceptual meaning is the uncontext meaning. But that is only unvisible context, only the paticular context seemed generality. What is more important, though the conceptual meaning is the base of communication, that is also barrier to concret cognition and practice of language. We must cognize this meaning scientifically and concretely, so we may do the corretive discourse practice, discourse strategy.(Yon sei University)

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