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17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 54권
저자명 : 박소현


1. 緒言
2. 宋儒之詩、文選本
1) 呂祖謙『宋文鑑』、『古文關鍵』
(2) 眞德秀『文章正宗』
3. 金履祥『濂洛風雅』
1) 出現背景
2) “濂洛”及其學術淵源
3) “風雅”與“正變”說
4. 結語

영어 초록

LÜ Zu-Qian, ZHEN De-Xiu, and JIN Lü-Xiang are all renowned Neo-Confucianists during the Song Dynasty. Their viewpoint on literature was built on Confucianism’s Tao and they considered sentences from Liu Jing canon for their sentence structuring. Yet there are differences in compilations they made regarding selection of literatures and writers based on their selection criteria.
LÜ Zu-Qian’s Song Wen Jian contained various works and writing styles, adhering to the emperor’s order to select sentences that would do good for politics. However, his compilation is criticized for lack of coherence. His another compilation Gu Wen Guan Jian mainly consists of sentences of archaic prose writers, holding true to its purpose of guide to sentence structuring. Taken together, overarching characteristics of LÜ’s compilations are purpose of guide to sentence building.
ZHEN De-Xiu viewed sentence as part of academic pursuit, and argued that literature should identify sages’ findings and teachings. And it should be practically useful for the country, not merely a talk for talking’s sake. Holding true to such belief, ZHEN compiled Wen Zhang Zheng Zong by dividing the compilation into four sections: CiMing (purpose), YiLun (exchange of opinion), XuShi (launch work) and ShiFu (verse and prose) in a bid to teach readers for what the right kind of literature works is. This book, albeit stronger philosophical thought of Neo-Confucianism of the Song Dynasty compared to LÜ’s compilations, is mainly intended as a guide to creation of literature.
JIN Lü-Xiang’s Lian Luo Feng Ya, the first compilation of poems written by Neo-Confucianists of the Song Dynasty contains the Lian Luo School’s poems and proses to identify the school’s origin and scholastic mantles. JIN put his painting Lian Luo Feng Ya Tu on the first page to demonstrate his academic tradition as a successor of Zhu Xi, and arranged literature works in the order of this. It has an implication as the first compilation of the Song's Neo-Confucianists’ poems that abstracted poems created by figures of the Lian Luo School and reestablished line of the Lian Luo School, a big move from traditional framework of compilation for traditional literatures.

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