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기호계(the semiotic)의 시각적 재현과 무법의 공간

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
36페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술이론학회 수록지정보 : 미술이론과 현장 / 17권
저자명 : 이문정


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기호계와 상징계의 상호 작용과 예술
 1. 상징계와 상상계, 그리고 기호계
 2. 시적 언어의 실천
 3. 기호계의 방출: 예술의 창조
Ⅲ. ‘상징계가 아닌(non-symbolic)’ 초월적 공간
 1. 리듬과 흐름의 공간: 잭슨 폴록(Jackson Pollock)의 회화
 2. 기초가 붕괴된 공간: 한스 하케(Hans Haacke)와 로버트 윌슨(Robert Wilson)의 설치
Ⅳ. ‘자기 소멸(self obliteration)’의 공간: 야요이 쿠사마(Yayoi Kusama)
 1. 반복되는 주체의 소멸과 재구성: 무한 거울 방
 2. 기호계적 혁명과 무법의 세계: 야외 해프닝
Ⅴ. 결론

영어 초록

The semiotic, one of Julia Kristeva's most important propositions, refers extensively to the pre-Oedipal phase, which signifies the beautiful chaos that cannot be fully described by the discipline of the symbolic. The semiotic released in the symbolic expands the limit of the subject and society, exhibiting the revolutionary power, which provides possibilities of exits, and brings about changes. By de-constructing coercive order, this revolutionary power elicits the lawless ethics where no empowered law exists. Kristeva regards art as atypical passage, through which the semiotic can come to the fore even in the symbolic. In contrast especially to literature that uses language as a medium, visual art can surpass the linguistic limitation because it is positioned as 'the thing going beyond a name even without a name' in the symbolic. Focusing on Jackson Pollock, Hans Haacke, and Robert Wilson, this paper examines the stereoscopic understanding of the semiotic, which Kristeva explained from the perspective of the visual representation of the semiotic. This paper also conducts analysis on Yayoi Kusama's work, which successfully achieves the representation of the semiotic. Art resuscitates the signification of creation and negation, diverging from identity by endlessly de-constructing history, concepts, ideologies, philosophy, and aesthetics, inherited through the representation of the semiotic. Art has the power to subvert the symbolic value system and create a new equilibrium and harmony, thereby conducive to a socio-political revolution. Therefore, art can create a lawless space, which retains a dynamic potential to exclude socio-cultural contrivance.

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기호계(the semiotic)의 시각적 재현과 무법의 공간
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