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칼 안드레(Carl Andre, 1935∼)의 원소(elements)박물관

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최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 미술사문화비평학회 수록지정보 : 미술사문화비평 / 4권
저자명 : 곽민아


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 단위요소(unit)가 된 원소물질(element material)
Ⅲ. 바닥조각(floor piece)으로 실현된 원소 박물관
Ⅳ. 결론

영어 초록

Andre’s floor pieces can be summarized as a simple pattern of repeating the unit of geometrical shape. Andre defined that the purpose of his work was to find and select an independent particle and make a work piece based on it. The unit is a unit that composed the whole piece and this concept corresponds to how Andre referred the particle therefore the unit is the root of his floor piece. Andre’s modular unit is fundamental and has singular size and properties. The modular unit are made to be simplest form with minimum requirements. This modualr units can be combined and form anxial symmetry that are free to exchange, add and remove - which is an important feature of Andre’s work. For this reason, Andre’s unit is the part of floor piece but, at the same time, it exists as the floor piece by itself. Andre wanted to make his unit to be most fundamental ones and noted basic materials : elements material. The element material cannot be splitted into any subordinate unit. Andre selected the Periodic table of the elements which organized by Dmitrii Ivanonichi Mendeleev, Russian chemist, as the theoretical basis. Since Andre was a child, he was interested in chemistry. Andre wanted to build a museum to exhibit samples of all materials. Andre’s floor pieces that are made of elements material show a desire for the museum. In the choosing the material, Andre followed the Periodic table of the elements outright. To emerge from the limitation on the selection of material, Andre used the method to place his units by intersection. The pieces are made with pure materials provided various experiences for visitors beyond the visual experience. Without dazzling visual stimuli, Andre’s floor pieces which made of element materials are active and free existence and does not lose its own identity and value always.

참고 자료



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칼 안드레(Carl Andre, 1935∼)의 원소(elements)박물관
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