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Protective Effect of Herbal Extracts against Skin Wrinkle Induced by UVB Irradiation in Hairless Mice

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 수록지정보 : Journal of Biomedical Research / 11권 / 3호
저자명 : Beom Jun Lee, Jong Soo Kim, Bu-Hui Bae, Hyun Ji Park, Bong Su Kang, Dang-Young Kim, Seon-Young Hwang, Byung Kuk Ahn, Sang Yoon Nam, Young Won Yun

영어 초록

Wrinkles are an outward sign of cutaneous aging appearing preferentially on ultraviolet B (UVB)-exposed areas. The anti-wrinkle effects of herbal extracts were investigated in an animal model. Female albino hairless mice (HR/ICR) were randomly allocated to the control group (non-irradiated vehicle), positive control group (UVB irradiated-vehicle), and two herbal extract mixture groups (HE-1 and HE-2). HE-1 included Glycyrrhizae radix, Rhei Rhizoma, Cornus officinalis, and Sesami semeni, and HE-2 included Swertia pseudo-chinensis, Sophora flavescens, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Salvia miltiorrhiza. The herbal extract mixtures were pre-treated dorsally with 0.2 ml per individual five times per week for four weeks prior to the start of UVB irradiation. At the fifth week, the animals were exposed to UVB irradiation for a subsequent eight weeks, three times per week. The intensity of irradiation showed a gradual increase, from 30 mJ/cm 2 to 240 mJ/cm2 (1 MED: 60 mJ/cm2 ). Dorsal skin samples were stained with H&E in order to examine the epidermal thickness. In addition, Masson-Trichrome staining was performed for determination of the amount of collagen fiber. Treatments with HE-1&2 resulted in an increase in the amount of collagen fiber, a better appearance, and fewer wrinkles, compared with the positive control. As determined by hydroxyproline assay, treatments with HE-1&2 led to a significant increase in the amount of collagen, compared with the positive control group (p<0.05). Chronic UVB irradiation to skin of hairless mice resulted in an increase in expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), however, treatments with HE-1&2 tended to decrease the expression of MMP-1. These results indicate that the herbal extracts used in this study have a preventive effect on UVB-induced wrinkle formation in a hairless mouse model, due in part to inhibition of MMP-1 expression and increment of collagen amount.

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Protective Effect of Herbal Extracts against Skin Wrinkle Induced by UVB Irradiation in Hairless Mice
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