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The Yellow Paper.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The Yellow Paper에 대한 레포트




Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “THE YELLOW PAPER” is the story about a married woman in patriarchal Victorian society. She is diagnosed with nervous depression and recommended to do nothing which is described as one of the treatments at that time-rest cure in a new house that she has just moved to. While she is staying at the home, she comes to focus on a torn yellow wall and an imaginary woman in the wall. From this point, one could find that her life starts to change in the opposite way it used to be. Thus, it is important to note what significance the wall could have in relation to the speaker. The destroyed wall affects various images, the woman she makes up and her unexpected changes overall. Through the novel “THE YELLOW PAPER”, I would like to argue that the protagonist, who is also the narrator, identifies herself with the illusory woman because she plays an important role in changing the narrator’s behaviors.
At first, the images the narrator finds in the wall show what she thinks about her life and society. She feels uneasy to stay in the gloomy house, and she tells her husband what she thinks about the house. However, he dismisses all of her opinions as just fancies that worsen her symptoms. So, she comes to be confined in a room with all grotesque lines and shapes that fill the room. She imagines many strangled women and their white eyes behind the wall, and the lines in the wall are described as bars that imprison them

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Yellow Paper.
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