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Supply Chain Management와 코로나가 미치는 영향 분석

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"Supply Chain Management와 코로나가 미치는 영향 분석"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ. Short Essay Questions
1. Q1. Define the term ‘Supply Chain Management’ in your words.
2. Q2. Based on Fisher’s framework (Read “What is the right supply chain for your product” by fisher),
a) Describe efficient and responsive supply chains and briefly differentiate them.
b) Give an example of each (other than what’s in Fisher’s article).

Ⅱ. Long Essay Questions
1. Q3. How does the coronavirus outbreak affect Samsung (or Apple)’s supply chain?
2. Q4. The coronavirus has already spread to several countries. If they are unable to contain it, what are the repercussions on the global economy?



Q1. Define the term ‘Supply Chain Management’ in your words.
Supply Chain Management is the strategy to apply the most optimized value-added process from production to distribution while minimizing cost and developing efficiency.

Q2. Based on Fisher’s framework
(Read “What is the right supply chain for your product” by fisher),
a) Describe efficient and responsive supply chains and briefly differentiate them.
When we think about demand characteristic, products can be largely classified into two categories; functional or innovative. Efficient supply chain is for functional products which have stable demand, whereas responsive supply chain is for innovative products which have unpredictable demand. Efficient supply chain is focused on efficient production at lower cost. On the other hand, the purpose of responsive supply chain is to respond to rapid changes in demand for products. Therefore, responsive supply chain is more flexible than efficient supply chain.

참고 자료

Nguyen, P. (2020, February 22). Vietnam reports supply chain issues from virus, says may hit Samsung output. Retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-health-vietnam-trade/vietnam-reports-supply-chain-issues-from-virus-says-may-hit-samsung-output-idUSKBN20F0YN
이연춘. (2020, April 3). 해외공장 '셧다운' 공포...韓기업 생산도 판매도 어쩌나. 아이뉴스24. Retrieved from http://www.inews24.com/view/1255277
김준영. (2020, March 1). 공급 차질 악재 만난 갤럭시 S20. 세계일보. Retrieved from http://www.segye.com/newsView/20200301510095?OutUrl=naver
나은경. (2020, April 9). 코로나19發 보릿고개에 '가성비폰' 잇달아 출격. 뉴스핌. Retrieved from http://www.newspim.com/news/view/20200409000994
지해범. (2020, March 27). 각자도생의 시대? 코로나19 이후 新국제질서 읽기. Retrieved from http://weekly.chosun.com/client/news/viw.asp?nNewsNumb=002601100006&ctcd=C07
Allen, J., Burns, N., Garrett, L., Haass, R. N., Ikenberry, G. J., Mahbubani, K., … Walt, S. M. (2020, March 20). How the World Will Look After the Coronavirus Pandemic. Retrieved from https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/20/world-order-after-coroanvirus-pandemic/
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