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예에서의 방향성이해 : 天人合一과 物我一體의 觀點에서 人間과 自然의 方向性 分析을 통하여

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
40페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,900원 할인쿠폰받기

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발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총
저자명 : 조기호


1. 序論
2. 禮에서의 方向性
3. 文化現象에서의 方向性
4. 自然의 方向性
5. 人體의 方向性
6. 空間移動 方向性 調査方法
7. 空間移動 方向性 調査結果
8. 結論

한국어 초록

This paper focuses on the human directivity in courtesy in east Asia and on the relationship between the direction that man's chooses and nature chooses. To understand the human directivity in east Asian courtesy, this paper analyzes the related contents of classic literature in east Asia and confirms that man generally use the directivity of right in east Asian courtesy. Human directivities in east Asian culture, like using hands and feet, body motions, reception, classic dance and old strategy, were also considered and confirmed that man prefer the directivity of right in east Asian culture. The directivities in macroscopic worlds, for example, Coriolis force, earth's revolution and rotation, were also considered, because east Asians have thought that nature and human beings are co-related to each other and act in alignment under the same rule(理). The natural phenomena related to directivity, for example, water swirl, the wind in low atmospheric pressure and tropical cyclone, were also considered. Generally the directivity of right was observed in macroscopic world and in the natural phenomena in the northern hemisphere.
To understand the mankind directivity by space movement, the outside and inside experiments of testees were made and confirmed that man generally has the directivity of right. Man has stronger directivity of right outside than inside. It was also confirmed that the faster the test persons moved the more they selected the directivity of right and the longer the test persons moved the more they chose the directivity of right.
The human directivity in east Asian courtesy and in nature has the same directivity of right. The choice of man's direction corresponds to the direction that nature chooses. Therefore the traditional east Asian thought was right that nature and human beings are co-related with each other and act in alignment under the same rule(理). This same rule(理) in nature and in human society can be used in courtesy and also in other social activities for the harmonized management of human society.

영어 초록

This paper focuses on the human directivity in courtesy in east Asia and on the relationship between the direction that man's chooses and nature chooses. To understand the human directivity in east Asian courtesy, this paper analyzes the related contents of classic literature in east Asia and confirms that man generally use the directivity of right in east Asian courtesy. Human directivities in east Asian culture, like using hands and feet, body motions, reception, classic dance and old strategy, were also considered and confirmed that man prefer the directivity of right in east Asian culture. The directivities in macroscopic worlds, for example, Coriolis force, earth's revolution and rotation, were also considered, because east Asians have thought that nature and human beings are co-related to each other and act in alignment under the same rule(理). The natural phenomena related to directivity, for example, water swirl, the wind in low atmospheric pressure and tropical cyclone, were also considered. Generally the directivity of right was observed in macroscopic world and in the natural phenomena in the northern hemisphere. To understand the mankind directivity by space movement, the outside and inside experiments of testees were made and confirmed that man generally has the directivity of right. Man has stronger directivity of right outside than inside. It was also confirmed that the faster the test persons moved the more they selected the directivity of right and the longer the test persons moved the more they chose the directivity of right. The human directivity in east Asian courtesy and in nature has the same directivity of right. The choice of man's direction corresponds to the direction that nature chooses. Therefore the traditional east Asian thought was right that nature and human beings are co-related with each other and act in alignment under the same rule(理). This same rule(理) in nature and in human society can be used in courtesy and also in other social activities for the harmonized management of human society.

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예에서의 방향성이해 : 天人合一과 物我一體의 觀點에서 人間과 自然의 方向性 分析을 통하여
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