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[언론학] 80년대 한국언론의 역사

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




This essay will examine how the politics of South Korea has been changed by presidential election since 1987, and how this dramatic political change has influenced mass media in South Korea. South Korea had been traditionally authoritarian and the government was heavily regulating almost all aspects of media, dominantly newspapers and broadcastings in order to legitimise their position and policies. As the former president Chun Doo Hwan finished his presidential term, the next president Roh Tae Woo declared to provide the freedom of press by liberalisation and democratisation.

참고 자료

Cheesman, Bruce, ‘Chonji, a Grim Fact of Life in Korea Media’, Asian Advertising & Marketing, August 1990, p.78-79.

Halvorsen, David E., ‘Confucianism Defies the Computer: The Conflict within the Korean Press’, in Kim, Chie-woon & jae-won Lee (eds), Elite Media admist Mass Culture: A Critical Look at Mass Communication in Korea, Nanam Publishing, Seoul, 1994,Chapter 4.

Helgesen, Geir, ‘Democracy and Authority in Korea: The Cultural Dimension in Korean Politics’, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1998, p.67-98.

Heuvel J. V. & Everette, E. D., The Unfolding Lotus: East Asia’s Changing Media, Freedom Forum Media Studies Centre, Columbia University, New York, 1993. (South Korea)

Juneau, Pierre, ‘Public Broadcasting and National Cultures’, Media Asia, vol.25: 2, 1998, P.88-89 & 93-94.

Kwak, Ki-Sung, ‘The Role of the State in the Regulation of Television Broadcasting in South Korea’, Media International Australia incorporating Culture & Policy, No.92, 1999, p.65-79.

Kim Kwang-woong, ‘Five Years of Democratisation: Facts and Fiction’, Korea Focus, No.1, Vol. 1, January 1993, p.5-23.

Lee, Byung Soo, ‘Press Freedom During Korea’s 5th and 6th Republics’, Sungkok Journalism Review, Vol.1, 1990, p.15-35.

Lee Hyo S., The problem with Korean mass media
http://myhome.hananet.net/~kjhondal/kjhmahl001.htm Accessed on the 15th of May

Seong Byung-wook, ‘Unbeholden President’, The Joong-ang Daily News, December 22, 1992.

Youm, Kyo Ho, ‘Freedom of the Press: A Legal and Ethical Perspective’, in Kim, Chie-woon & Jade-won Lee (Des), Elite Media amidst Mass Culture: A Critical Look at Mass Communication in Korea, Nana Publishing, Seoul, 1994, Chapter 4.

Citizens’ Coalition for democratic Media, Summary on Mass Media in Korea,
http://my.dreamwiz.com/wepia/journal/JOURNAL.htm Accesssed on the 15th of May

Margerine, Before talking about Mass media in Korea,
http://mjcommune.jinbo.net/%BE%F0%B7%D0%BB%E7.htm accessed on the 15th of May

Chun, Yeo O, The reason why I didn’t choose to be a journalist,
http://home.ewha.ac.kr/~imewha/kisa/2001_1/re0402/0402cho6.htm Accessed on the 15th of May

Han, Dong W., Seeing Korean mass media over 20years through UnRon-Jungjae
http://www.pac.or.kr/webzine/contents/17_2.htm Accessed on the 15th of May


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[언론학] 80년대 한국언론의 역사
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