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내가 만든 신문기사. 호주 애보리지널에 관한 가상 내용. 영자 신문 형식, 신문 기사 쓰는 테크닉 고수한 글




“I saw them! They are walking around outside!” Nigiwa Coxer, a nine-year-old boy who lives in Sohon, which is next to Cadi, ran helter-skelter into his house and shouted to his mother. When his mother Annotto Tittiwa saw him, he was sweating and his legs were shaking. “They were talking in a strange language and they wore a square cloth on their body and head. I think they’re coming to here, what are they going to do to us? Should I hide? What should I do, mom?” He continually asked questions with fear to his mother. As soon as Annotto heard it, she thought it right to apprise people of what is going on outside. She hastily went to the village chief’s house to report it but the chief was already aware of the existence of stranger from the day before since he heard the news from Mwell Authuri who is the chief of Cadi.

About three months ago, the inhabitants in Blue Mountain heard a rumor about the appearance of a different human race around Cadi, but nobody believed the story and they called people in Sohon and Cadi liars. However, the argument on existence of white people is officially ended as the numbers of eyewitnesses are increase.

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