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Inequalities in the workplace. 직장에서의 불평등

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최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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직장에서 일어나는 불평등들에 대한 에세이 입니다. 성 Gender, 연령 Age, 다양한 민족 Race 등을 가지고 깔끔하게 1600 words 이상 적은 영문 에세이 입니다.




Equal opportunity in a workplace context means that all employees have equal access to the opportunities that are available at work. This means all employees are treated with fairness and respect in that they are not subject to discrimination or harassment in the workplace (Commonwealth Government of Australia 2001-2008). In terms of inequality, it may exist because of dissimilarity, which indicates difference (Williams, S & Adam-Smith, D 2006). Differences among people are not inherently good or bad, there is no one right way to deal with differences. Handling differences can be challenging, but they also lead to very important advantages, groups and organizations (Harvey, C & Allard, MJ 2005, p. 42).
One of the most controversial inequalities exist in workplace is gender (Commonwealth of Australia 1996). In fact, women and men have different abilities, so their faculties can be used in different part. It means that they can co work in workplace as equally valued human resources based on their own ability. However, women tend to have less opportunity or payment than men have. One of the reasons is the attitude of women toward their responsibility in the workplace (Allan, C & Mcphail, R & Wilkinson, A 2008, p.219). Many women have been pulled away from their jobs because of their responsibility toward their family. Some of them are pregnant, so they require a maternity leave or quit their job. Others have to handle their children as well as their aging parents (Canas, KA & Sondak, H 2008, p. 48). With that position, they would choose to leave their job rather than abandon their home. Therefore, many organizations tend to give less advantage or fewer salaries to women who might quit their job easier or earlier than men.

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