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다양성(Diversity)영문판 레포트

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다양성(Diversity)에 관한 영문판 레포트 입니다.




Reasons for Diversity
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Shift in Demographic Trend
Global Market Place

Diversity Initiatives
Training and Education Program
Organisation Policies
Mentoring Program
Performance Appraisal System

Diversity as Competitive Advantage
Avoidance of Lawsuit
Improving Marketplace Understanding
To Create and Innovate
Public Image



Organisations that do not manage diversity effectively will not be able to ultilise the full potential of a diverse workforce. They will not be able to survive and grow under these increasingly complex conditions and will not become world-class, competitive organisations that produce high quality products and services. (Fernandez, 1993)

Business need to recognize diversity as an advantage in competing and pursue it dedicatedly. They have to use diversity management not as a way to avoid legal concern but as a strategic direction.

Certainly there are some barriers to successful diversity management and organisation needs to use appropriate tactics to overcome these adversities.


In recent years, the world of works has become increasingly complex. Global markets, new technologies and particularly workplace diversity have added to this complexity. Most governments are implementing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regarding anti-discrimination to aid the less popular group of worker. Together with the ever increasing of minority group joining the work force, diversity has become an important issue that is pursued by today’s management.

Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice, and public assistance status (Esty, et al., 1995)

참고 자료

Book List

McGREGOR D, (1960) The Human Side of Enterprise, New York McGraw-Hill

CUMMINGS, L.L. and SCHWAB, D.P. (1973) Performance in Organisations:
determinants and appraisal. Glenview: Scott, Foresman and Company

Screwvalla, Z.S. (1988) Performance Appraisals: a framwork for effective implementation, Australian Institue of Management News

Rosemarry, H. (1993), Human Resource Management : Issues and Strategies, Addition Wesley Publishing

Johnson, G. and Scholes, K. (1989), Exploring Coporate Strategy, Hemel Hempstead - Prentice Hall

Festinger, L. (1954), A theory of social comparision approaches in Human Relations

Harrison R. (1992) Employee Development, London: Institute of Personnel Management

Mohrman, A.M., Resnick-West, S.M. and Lawler, E.E. (1989), Designing Performance Appraisal Systems, San Francisco, Jossey Bass

Alan, R.N., Robert, L.C. and Terence, E.M. (1999), Strategic Human Resource Management (3rd), Nelson Publishing Company

Maier, N.R.F. (1976), The Appraisal Interview, New York : University Associates


Understanding Employment Performance Appraisals
http://www.jobs.co.za/job-seekers/career-advice/article/11/understanding-employment-performance-appraisals - viewed as on 12/12/09

Davi Ngo - Purpose of Performance Appraisal
http://www.humanresources.hrvinet.com/purpose-of-performance-appraisal/ - viewed as on 12/12/09

Purpose of Performance Appraisal (Cited by Bernard Wynne 1997)
www.esd.qmul.ac.uk/qmpas/training_pack/Purpose.pdf- viewed as on 13/12/09
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