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[물리전자] 6단원 내용 정리

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. For the Figure 6-2
a. Explain the significance of load line. (What is the purpose of load line?)
b. What is the purpose of VG in the Fig. 6-2(a) and 6-2(b)?

2. For the Figure 6-3, explain how the JFET can be controlled in terms of biasing among S, G & D. In other words, show how to bias S, G & D.

3. For the Figure 6-4
a. What is a pinch-off?
b. How about the current ID beyond pinch-off if VD increases?

4. For the Figure 6-5, if you increase VG, what is the result?

5. What is the equation for ID before the pinch-off?

6. What is the equation for ID after the pinch-off?

7. For the Figure 6-7, explain the operational principle of the Metal- Semiconductor junction FET (MESFET). Simply show how and why the MESFET can be turned On & OFF.

8. For the Figure 6-8, show how the High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) can be constructed. In other words, how the mobility and carrier concentration can be increased.

9. In regard to the Figure 6-10, a. Explain the On & Off states for n-type &p-type MOSFET. In other words, in which VG, the MOSFETs are turned ON or OFF. b. Explain the On & Off states of the enhancement type n-channel MOSFET in terms of the band diagram along channel. In other words, explain the band diagram along channel with VG

10. For the Figure 6-11, explain 3 different operating conditions in terms of ID. In other words, show how the ID responds to each condition.

11. For the Figure 6-12, explain 4 different band diagrams for the ideal MOS structure in regard to the degree of P-type semiconductor as discussed in the class. In other words, explain the hole carrier concentrations at the metal and semiconductor interface.

12. For the Figure 6-13, explain Equ. 6.15 in terms of Fig. 6.-13. What does the Equ. 6.15 indicate

13. For the Figure 6-15, a. What is the maximum value of the depletion width under the stronger inversion? Write the regarding equation from the chapter. b. What is the ideal threshold voltage? Write the regarding equation from the chapter.

14. For the Figure 6-16, a. What is the total capacitance? Write the regarding equation from the chapter. b. What is the insulator capacitance Ci? Write the regarding equation from the chapter. c. What is the depletion (layer) capacitance Cd? Write the regarding equation from the chapter.

15. For the Figure 6-18 & 19, what does the Equ. 6.15 indicate? In other words, why both terms are negative.

16. For the Figure 6-20, a. Explain the VT(V) in terms of doping level for P- & N-type of semiconductors? In other words, explain the sign of VT for P & N type of semiconductors. b. Explain what does the negative VT means for n-channel?

17. Solve Example 6-1 for Na = 5 x 1017 cm-3& Qi = 4 x 1015 qC/cm2 for n-channel MOS transistor. Find Ci and Cmin on the C-V characteristics, and find Wm, VFB, and VT.


(a) Whatever the value of the control voltage VG at the third terminal, values of ID and VD are obtained from point along the line representing Eq. (6-1).
This called the load line
(b) The change of VG can switch the load line from the bottom (iD = 0) to the top (iD = E/R).

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판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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