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Equalities on the workplace

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


다양성(diversity) 영문레포트


1. Inequality, a great problem in the workplace
2. Diversity of inequalities in the workplace
3. Inequality is still in existence on the workplace.


1. Inequality, a great problem in the workplace
Nowadays, with increasing variety in organizations, several inequalities in the workplace have happened. In spite of the regulation policies which have limited inequalities on the workplace, it still exists, because of personal characteristics, such as gender, age and different race.

<중 략>

The common reason which comes from a fixed idea and myths surrounding old age is that aged workers seem to make less profit in return than young workers. As a result, lots of companies rarely support old workers, hardly give the opportunity for them to learn new skills and easily dismiss the workers. Negative stereotypes which related to old workers, still exist in the workplace.

<중 략>

Commonly, most people have stereotypes about personal characteristics. Differences among people are not inherently good or bad; there is no one right path to deal with differences. Although it is an extremely serious problem, both employers and employees consider that it is commonplace and ignore it.

참고 자료

Grainge, Z. (2007), ‘Workplace inequality’, Personneltoday.com, October, Available: http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2007/10/01/42629/workplace-inequality.html (Accessed 27 November, 2008)
Committed 2 Equality. (2007), ‘Employers continue to discriminate’, 29 September, Available: http://www.c2e.co.uk/press/employers.htm (accessed 14 September 2008)
ACAS, Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service, (2006), ‘Age and workplace’, April, Available:http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/d/t/6683_Age_and_the_Workplace_AWK.pdf (Accessed 28 November, 2008)
Personneltoday.com. (2008), ‘Age discrimination: a guide for employers’, Available: http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2007/10/01/42618/age-discrimination-a-guide-for-employers.html (accessed 25 November, 2008)
‘History and policy: A nicer country than Attlee’s Britain, but not as nice as we could be’, Available: http://www.historyandpolicy.org/docs/nicer_country.pdf (Accessed 25 November, 2008)
The guardian 10 October, 2007: ‘Now to cut junior a
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Equalities on the workplace
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