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중국도시 상하이와 비즈니스협상 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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상하이 도시에 대한 자료와 상하이사람들과의 비즈니스협상 노하우를 담은 영문 레포트입니다.


Table of contents

Ⅰ. Intro

Ⅱ. Economic Environment

Ⅲ. Economic culture and law

Ⅳ. In Shanghai to advance Korean company`s strategic considerations and suggestions


The two Chinese characters in the city`s name are 上("above") and 海("sea") which together literally mean `Upper Sea`. The earliest occurrence of this name dates from the Song Dynasty (11th century), at which time there was already a river confluence and a town with this name in the area. There are disputes as to exactly how the name should be interpreted, but official local histories have consistently said that it signifies `The upper reaches of the sea`. Due to the changing coastline, Chinese historians have concluded that in the Tang Dynasty Shanghai was literally on the sea, hence the origin of the name. A more poetic name for Shanghai switches the order of the two characters, "海上", and is often used for terms related to Shanghainese art and culture.. True to its name as the economic center of Shanghai, China, Chinese economy has an important role onward. Many foreign companies have already been advance to Chinese market and the development of Chinese enterprises in a significant level, so the Chinese market is already fierce and that be heated. Large territory and population of 1.3 billion Chinese, and the other many things make Shanghai an infinite blue ocean.
In 2001 China`s WTO accession as well as the land down the maximum benefit is the fact that already public. WTO accession will be affected most by China`s industrial sector finance, retail, trade, information technology, cleverly enough, R ² Shanghai economy is organized around these industries. The Shanghai arena of world-class products has long since become. What it does not succeed in the Shanghai market in the Chinese market, can not win in the global market. In other words, if you do not succeed in Shanghai of the future will not be successful in China. Shanghai, China, a portal into the world market at the same time towards exit. Based on analysis shanghai economy study, thorough analysis of global markets in both China`s domestic market, Korean company can get a remarkable accomplishment.

참고 자료

Kim, Yun, "中 Shanghai, college staff salaries deprived, " Trade and Commerce the KOTRA trade centers in Shanghai, May 14, 2010
Yoon, "Shanghai, China`s highest minimum wage, 14.3 percent markup, " Trade and Commerce the KOTRA trade centers in anghai, March 26, 2010.
Park, hanjin (kotra China Regional Headquarters) `After 10 years, China 』haenaem, 2005
Shanghai www.sh-dangol.com/dboard/files/tourinfo.php regular bed
An, jaeseop 『Shanghai Pudong New Area and New Town Development of Study on Economic』, Geography Education Research 49, 2005
Annie Social 11 December 2007 China local community news, "Shanghai 1840 the population increased ten thousand people ... 300,000 people this year,"http://www.anychina.net/news/21714
People`s Daily 6, May 2008 provincial social news community, "negative population growth over the year seems to Shanghai"
Special reporting team from South Korea economy, reports Shanghai 『』, gingko, 2001
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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