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[전기전자전파] 물리전자공학 3장 연습문제풀이

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물리전자공학 3장 연습문제풀이


Solutions Chapter 3
3.1. Calculate the speed of an electron in Si with kinetic energy 0.013 eV. Draw an equilibrium energy band diagram for silicon and indicate where this electron will be. Compare your calculated thermal speed to the typical drift velocities cited in the text of 104 cm/s. How does it compare to typical saturation velocities?

3.2. Calculate the resistivity for a uniformly doped silicon sample with 1017 donors per cubic centimeter.

3.3. A lightly doped Si sample (ND = 1014 cm-3) is heated from 300 K to 400 K. Is its resistivity expected to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. Repeat for Si with ND = 1018 cm-3.


Solutions Chapter 3
3.1. Calculate the speed of an electron in Si with kinetic energy 0.013 eV. Draw an equilibrium energy band diagram for silicon and indicate where this electron will be. Compare your calculated thermal speed to the typical drift velocities cited in the text of 104 cm/s. How does it compare to typical saturation velocities?

Even with this very small kinetic energy, the electron’s instantaneous speed is still about 1000 times faster than the drift velocity. It is comparable to the drift saturation velocity for silicon of 1×107cm/s.

3.3. A lightly doped Si sample (ND = 1014 cm-3) is heated from 300 K to 400 K. Is its resistivity expected to increase or decrease? Explain your answer. Repeat for Si with ND = 1018 cm-3.
For the lightly doped sample, as the temperature is increased the intrinsic concentration increases. It is still true that DiNn, though, and to reasonable approximation n0 is constant. For this doping level, however, lattice (phonon) scattering predominates and mobility decreases with increasing temperature

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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