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학교교육의 정상화를 위한 교육평가의 재구성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
94페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육원리학회 수록지정보 : 교육원리연구 / 9권 / 1호
저자명 : 장상호


Ⅰ. 교육학이 교육발전에 공헌하는 길
Ⅱ. 정체불명의 “교육평가”
Ⅲ. 교육관과 가치선택의 정체성 확립
Ⅳ. 학교교육평가의 새로운 국면
Ⅴ. 맺는 말

한국어 초록

학교교육의 정상화를 위한 교육학도들의 끊임없는 열망과 참여는 자체의 목적에 역행하고 있
다. 본 연구는 그런 아이러니의 근본원인을 현존하는 교육학 체제에 내재된 범주착오에서 찾고, 그
오류에서 벗어날 수 있는 일반적 지침을 특별히 교육평가의 분야를 대상으로 삼아 예시하고자 하
였다. 현존하는 교육평가의 실제와 이론이 어떤 양태로 교육 자체와 유리된 것인지를 분석하고, 그
대상의 규정과 그것에 적용될 가치선별과 관련하여 교육평가가 갖추어야 할 고유한 특징들을 밝히
고, 그것들을 학교상황에 적용할 수 있는 제반 범주와 측면을 항목별로 분류하여 제시하였다.

영어 초록

The dire desire of educational researchers to contribute to education meets
constant frustration and contradiction. One of the main reasons lies in the fact
that they have failed to find an endogenous conceptual system and heavily
relied on other disciplines. Such indiscretion and category-mistake inevitably
result in an irony that their intervention into the field rather distorts
educational phenomena and at best contributes to the things other than
education. Considering all of these, the primary step of an educational
researchers to do for education should be directed to reforming their own
convention of conceptional application.
With this perspective in mind, this paper critically examines what is known
as “educational evaluation” among others. Although urgent issues and problems
are focussed on mal- and over-practice of examination in school and most
people one way or another suffer from it in their daily life, little systematic
self-examination has so far been made on the part of researchers to find out
possible conceptual pitfalls which are embedded in this field.
A close examination and critical reviews are undergone to reveal the fact
that current theories of “educational evaluation” and various practices based on
them have nothing to do with education proper in terms of the facts and
values they are expected to put special emphases on. Most of their concepts
and practices are devoid of interest in boosting a unique nature of education
and instead reduce the education inadvertently into heterogeneous functions of
Finally, an attempt is made to propose a radically different theory of
evaluation which particularly takes the uniqueness of education into
consideration. It includes three aspects that are distinctive from each other in terms of the facts to watch and specific values to apply to them. They are (1)
evaluation of intrinsic value of education, (2) evaluation of external
environments surrounding education, and (3) the evaluation of external values
of education. Each of them is explicated in direct reference with school setting,
hoping that it's application would contribute to the efforts for normalizing
education in school.

참고 자료



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