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(영문)청소년 폭력

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


청소년폭력에 관한 research paper 입니다.


Thesis statement
- There are some kinds of solutions to prevent youth violence. It can be solved by persevere in school and home effort.

1st Paragraph
- Weapon violations have been growing at higher and higher rates in U.S. schools.
1. Weapons: Gun, Knife, Etc
2. Violence between close friends
3. Gun shot accident, misunderstanding

2nd Paragraph
- Fighting without weapon is even more widespread, and may be an even more serious problem.
1. Out of control
2. 15,000 teenagers have experienced violence without weapons
3. Cluster violence
4. Commit suicide

3rd Paragraph
- Much of the violence comes from family problems.
1. Social learning theory
2. Environment
3. Communication
4. Circumstance

4th Paragraph
- Relationship between schools and students shows disconnectedness.
1. High handed disciplinary polices
2. Removal from school
3. Students neglecting the rules

5th Paragraph
- There are some ways to prevent youth of violence
1. Open discussion
2. Values
3. Legal and social rules of engagement
6th Paragraph
- Students need love from family
1. Love
2. Care
3. Discussion
4. Express their emotions.


1st Paragraph
- Weapon violations have been growing at higher and higher rates in U.S. schools.
1. Weapons: Gun, Knife, Etc
2. Violence between close friends
3. Gun shot accident, misunderstanding
2nd Paragraph
- Fighting without weapon is even more widespread, and may be an even more serious problem.
1. Out of control
2. 15,000 teenagers have experienced violence without weapons
3. Cluster violence
4. Commit suicide
3rd Paragraph
- Much of the violence comes from family problems.
1. Social learning theory
2. Environment
3. Communication
4. Circumstance
4th Paragraph
- Relationship between schools and students shows disconnectedness.
1. High handed disciplinary polices
2. Removal from school
3. Students neglecting the rules
5th Paragraph
- There are some ways to prevent youth of violence
1. Open discussion
2. Values
3. Legal and social rules of engagement
6th Paragraph
- Students need love from family
1. Love
2. Care
3. Discussion
4. Express their emotions.

참고 자료

Brener, N. et al. “Violence-related behaviors among high school students-United states, 1991-2003.” 75.3(March 2005):81(5)
Expanded Academic ASAP. INFOTRAC. TCL. 23 March 2006
Daiute, Colette, Rebecca Stern, and Corina Lelutiu-weinberger. “Negotiating violence prevention. (Youth Confronting Public Institutions).” Journal of Social Issues. 59.1(Spring 2003):83(19)
Expanded Academic ASAP. INFOTRAC. TCL. 23 March 2006
Fort Gibson. “5 students wounded in Oklahoma school shooting.” CNN NEWS. 6 Dec 1999.
Mark A. Mattaini, and Bruce A. Thyer. “Youth Violence.” Finding Solutions to Social Problems. American Psychological Association. Aug 2000. 75-111.
Ruth Triplett and Brian Payne. “Problem solving as reinforcement in adolescent drug use: implications for theory and policy.” Journal of Criminal Justice 32.6(Nov-Dec 2004):617(14)
Expanded Academic ASAP. INFOTRAC. TCL. 23 March 2006
Sally Koch, Kubetin. “P
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁 요소 발견 시 고객센터의 저작권침해 신고센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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