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온라인 쇼핑몰 규제 그리고 규제완화

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


경제학과 수업 중 규제경제학 (영어수업) 기말고사 대체로 쓴 영어 레포트 입니다.
한국 온라인 쇼핑몰에 관한 장애물과 규제 그리고 외국인 대상 설문지도 포함되어 있습니다.
영어 레포트 쓸때 많은 도움될거라 생각됩니다.


1. Online shopping mall.
1) What is online shopping mall?
(1) Online shopping mall market.
(2) Analysis of online shopping mall market.
(a) Amazon in U.S.
(b) G market in Korea.
(c) Process Research

2. Obstacle of online shopping mall.
1) Galapagos syndrome in Regulation of online shopping mall.
2) Representative regulation of online shopping mall.
(1) Active X
(2) The reason why ActiveX is widely used in Korea
(a) Accredited certificate.
(b) ISP (Internet Service Provider).
(c) Electronic signature at financial transaction
(3) Complicated process in online shopping mall

3. De-regulation of Online shopping mall
1) Payment plan.
(1) Current situation and improvement plan.
2) Privacy information safety.
(1) Current situation and improvement plan.
(2) Improvement Plan.

4. Conclusion
1) Expected effect
2) Economic theory.

5. Reference

6. Others
1) Survey Form.


1. Online shopping mall.
1) What is online shopping mall?
(1) Online shopping mall market.
In dictionary, online shopping malls are websites that enable a multi-vendor checkout system enabling retailers to sell in one portal and allow the consumer to check out with one single credit card transaction. Wherever we are, we can buy something easily. Thus, many people frequently mention it, online business is promising job, especially online shopping mall. In U.S and China, they are already a growth business such as Amazon.com and Alibaba.com. Of course, online shopping malls in Korea have reached its full development. On the other hand, online shopping malls in Korea are smaller than Amazon and Alibaba. So, government in Korea wants them to grow more. Several weeks ago, de-regulation meeting was held in government ministries. In the meeting, they talked about de-regulation of Korean economy. Particularly, they focused on online business such as Active X, payment plan and barrier of digital. That’s why this paper will study to de-regulation of online shopping malls in online business.

참고 자료

파일에 포함.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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