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IBM ppt

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


lobal sourcing of IBMAbout global IBMIntroducing IBM Global Innovation LeaderWho IBM’s withGlobal sourcing of IBMCase of IBM global sourcing*1. Introducing IBM 1) International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)engages in the development and manufacture of the advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, storage systems, and microelectronics. 2) Senior managementSamuel J.Palmisano, Chairman of the board and CEO*1. Introducing IBMInternational Business Machines Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504, USAOperations in more than 160 countries.3)Headquarters*8th on the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies, ranked by revenues.9th and the highest-ranking technology company on the Forbes "Super 100" based on a composite ranking in sales, profits, assets, and market revenue.In 2004, Business Week and Interbrand Corp. ranked IBM the third most valuable brand worldwide, after Coca-Cola and Microsoft.(7/04)In 2004, Fortune magazine has scored IBM 10th on its list of most admired companies among the 592 firms it chose.4) Rankings1. Introducing IBM*2004 Year-end from continuing operationsRevenues$ 96.3 BNet Income$ 8.4 B


Introducing IBM

Global Innovation Leader

Who IBM’s with

Global sourcing of IBM

Case of IBM global sourcing


1. Introducing IBM
1) International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
engages in the development and manufacture of
the advanced information technologies,
including computer systems, software,
storage systems, and microelectronics.
2) Senior management
Samuel J.Palmisano, Chairman of the board and CEO

1. Introducing IBM
International Business Machines Corporation New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504, USA
Operations in more than 160 countries.

8th on the Fortune 500 list of largest US companies, ranked by revenues.
9th and the highest-ranking technology company on the Forbes "Super 100" based on a composite ranking in sales, profits, assets, and market revenue.
In 2004, Business Week and Interbrand Corp. ranked IBM the third most valuable brand worldwide, after Coca-Cola and Microsoft.(7/04)
In 2004, Fortune magazine has scored IBM 10th on its list of most admired companies among the 592 firms it chose.
4) Rankings
1. Introducing IBM

2004 Year-end from continuing operations
1. Introducing IBM

Drawing on resources from across IBM and
key Business Partners,
IBM offers a wide range of services, solutions
and technologies that enable customers, large
and small, to take full advantage of the new era of e-business.

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