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Underground Economy in Korea

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최종 저작일
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한국의 지하경제에 대한 영어 리포트 자료입니다.


1. Introduction
 What is the Underground Economy?
 Examples of the Underground Economy
 Relationship between the Underground Activities and Economy
 Size of the Underground Economy

2. Estimation of the Underground Economy in and out of Korea
 Korea’s Underground Economy Trend
 OECD country’s Underground Economy Trend

3. Implications


What is the Underground Economy?
The Underground Economy refers to untraceable, hence untaxable business activities that are not reflected in a country’s gross domestic product (GDP). It can also be called “shadow economy” or “black economy.” Since underground activities involve the exchange of goods and services whether legal or illegal which are hidden from official view, they are not the subject of tax payment.

Examples of the Underground Economy
Often clothing shops offer discount if we pay in cash. Mostly, the reason why they ask for cash as the payment is because they don’t want to declare their earnings to the tax collectors. Then that is the underground activity. Or students providing private tutoring and earn their pocket moneys, and do not report their earnings. That’s the underground activities too. Underground activities can be both legal and illegal, that add up to trillions of dollars a year take place “off the books,” out of the gaze of taxmen and government statisticians .

참고 자료

Underground Economy: It’s Time to Clamp Down on Shadow Activities. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2009/09/202_51539.html

Schneider, F., & Enste, D. (2002). Hiding in the shadows: the growth of the underground economy. International Monetary Fund Economic Issues, (30), Retrieved from http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/issues/issues30/index.htm

Sennholz, Hans F. (2003). The underground economy. Ludwig von Miess Institute, Retrieved from http://mises.org/etexts/underground.pdf

Park Hyong-ki (2008). Underground Economy Accounts for 30 Percent of GDP. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2008/01/123_17466.html

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2008). 한국의 지하경제 추이와 시사점.

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2008). 국내 지하경제 추이와 시사점
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