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The roles of Korea for East Asia Economy cooperation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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동아시아 경제 협력을 위한 한국의 역활에 관한 영문 리포트입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Lack of leadership in East Asia

Ⅲ. The possible roles of Korea

Ⅳ. the limits and prospect of korea’s roles

Ⅴ. Conclusions


Ⅰ. Introduction

Korea has a long cherished dream of linking itself with China and Japan as an intermediary. Kim Ok-gyun (1851-1894), a reformist activist who lived in exile in Japan during the waning years of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), proposed a coalition of the three Northeast Asian nations to counter invaders from the West. An Jung-geun (1879-1910), one of the country`s most revered independence fighters, advocated an East Asia peace theory with Korea, Japan and China as the three major players, when he was imprisoned for assassinating the first Japanese resident-general of Korea in 1909.
Nearly one century later, Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administration pushed for a national initiative on peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia. The incumbent administration of President Lee Myung-bak is no exception, as it has shown an enthusiastic attitude towards a tripartite summit among Korea, China and Japan

참고 자료

Bluth, C. and Dent, C., “A shrimp among the whales? Korea in the Northeast and East Asia regional system”, pp. 247-268
Jung, J. (2004, May), “From Periphery to Center: South Korea’s External Strategy for Northeast Asian Economic Hub”, Volume. 20. No.1. p. 178
Kim, J. (2005), “Empirical Analysis on key factors of East Asian Economic Integration: Comparing with the experiences of Europe”, The east and west study, Volume.17. No.2. pp. 35-58
Park, Y. (2007, October), “How Feasible Is East Asia-only Regional Integration?: Economic Imperative and Political Impracticality”, The 6th Inha-Le havre Conference, pp. 18-28
Park, J. (2010, March), “The ways of surviving of Belgium”, Segye-ilbo Column.
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