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Error Analysis project

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


중간정도의 영어 수준을 가지고 있는 한국의 대학교 3학년 남학생을 영어 인터뷰하여 인터뷰어가 만든 과거형 과 관사의 에러를 분석한 레포트입니다.

Error Analysis Project
SLA (Second Language Acquisition)





This project was performed to analyze the frequent errors of an interviewer who is Korean native speaker when speaking in English as a second language. In order to this, this study conducted an interview with who was 26 years-old male university student living in Korea. He had an experience living in United States for a year for improving his English as an exchange student. Employing the procedures of error analysis, the linguistic errors that interviewer made were identified, classified, described, explained, and evaluated. The result revealed the total of 126 errors of an article and past tense. Result also showed a considerable repetition, speaking habit (empty-filler), using a shorter sentence structure and so on. However, this study has mainly focused on the use and misuse of the articles, and past tense errors. First, this study examined the theoretical background of Error Analysis, Contrastive Analysis, and lnterlanguage. This study is analyzed interviewer’s errors based on those categories. After analyzing the errors, it draws to the conclusions based on them.

참고 자료

Brender, Alan Steven (2002). The effectiveness of teaching articles to (-Art) ESL students in writing classes using consciousness-raising methods. Ed.D. dissertation, Temple University, United States -- Pennsylvania. Retrieved September 6, 2010, from Dissertations & Theses: A&I.(Publication No. AAT 3040300).
Collins, L. (2010). L1 differences and L2 similarities: teaching verb tenses in English. ELT J (2007) 61 (4): 295-303. doi: 10.1093/elt/ccm048.
Endley, M. J. (2010). Unpublished lecture. Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Gressang, J.. A. (2010) Frequency and error analysis of the use of determiners, the relationships between noun phrases, and the structure of discourse in English essays by native English writers and native Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean learners of English as a second language. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Iowa, United States -- Iowa. Retrieved September 8, 2010, from Dissertations & Theses: A&I.(Publication No. AAT 3412050).
Hye-ryeong, H. (2005). Past Tense Acquisition by Less Successful Learners in the Korean EFL Classroom Setting. [Past Tense Acquisition by Less Successful Learners in the Korean EFL Classroom Setting]. 영어교육, 60(ENGLISH TEACHING Vol.60 No.4), 109-132.
Insun, K. (2003). Past and Present Perfect Tense In English: Challenges for Native Korean Learners. [Past and Present Perfect Tense In English: Challenges for Native Korean Learners]. 영어교육연구, 15(영어교육연구 제15권 3호), 27-52.
Lee, V. (2005). Improving Pronunciation is Possible. English Teaching, 60(1), 15.
이미희. (2005). 오류분석을 통한 영어 쓰기 활용방안 (Error Analysis and effective teaching method in English Writing : Focused on middle school students). 국내석사학위논문, 국민대학교 교육대학원, 서울. Retrieved from http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T10656116

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