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Electricity anti- about the nature which leads, an electricity it does not lead it does not to be well, with this the same things as the good conductor break conductor which does to lead well it calls a nonconductor or insulator electricity. But is the possibility becoming also this to the world by the intention of the manufacturer conductor and the semiconductor which as the semiconductor calls place this it has had the nature which the possibility becoming also the nonconductor is wants controls the size of broad way where resistance and the back which puts out the light the focus role of electronic industrial development there is a possibility of having the efficiency which is special it does. To all electrical component of our surroundings it makes with the semiconductor and the small parts are listening to us in the thing which is a semiconductor to be besieged and, is the count which it lives. semiconductor calling with the rices and 20 century maximum invention width backs of the flower and industry of pebble electronic industry of magic it is a day when it is natural.

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