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[마케팅]Amore Pacific`s Global Strategy

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


- Focusing on French market penetration strategies -


1. Amore Pacific

2. Amore Pacific’s global strategies

1) Characteristics and current conditions of cosmetics industry
2) The start of exporting (1960’s – 1980’s)
3) First Foreign Production and globalization (1990’s)
4) Extensive Globalization (after 2000)

3. France market Penetration Strategies
1) SOON: Domestic Production and Export (1988-1995)
2) Lirikos: Local production and Import (1992-Present)
3) Lolita Lempicka: Local Production/Sales and globalization

4. Concluding Remarks


No1. Player in Korean market, 27th in the world market, 4th largest player in French perfume market, targeting china as the second domestic market, these are current shape of Amore Pacific. Present global strategy is solely focused on Chinese and French market.
2002, the company declared the vision to be 10th largest company in the world and have more than 10% of sales in foreign market. Without having famous brand in global market in skin care and make up part, it is difficult to be 10th largest player. However, first success in French market with perfume products had taught a lot about the globalization and global standards.
Having excellent products and marketing efforts, and long term investment and global mind to support those would be key point to be truly globalized company

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[마케팅]Amore Pacific`s Global Strategy
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