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비교교육론 리포트 (브라질과 쿠바의 교육 비교 / A+ / 영문 레포트)

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비교교육론 리포트 (브라질과 쿠바의 교육 비교 / A+ / 영문 레포트)"에 대한 내용입니다.
열심히 작성한 영문 레포트이며, A+ 학점받았습니다.
쿠바와 브라질의 교육을 불평등이라는 주제에 초점을 맞추어 작성했습니다.
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1. Introduction
2. Systems and basic facts of education in Brazil and Cuba
3. Comparing history and social structures of Brazil and Cuba
4. Conclusion


In many cases, countries within the same continent share a lot of similarities in their education system and issues because of their common cultures and historical backgrounds. For example, in east-Asia, China, Japan, and Korea have common in high educational fever, cramming, and high competitiveness in exams. People can easily explain these similarities among their education because they all share Confucius ideology. However, in the case of Brazil and Cuba, although both are located in Latin America and have some similarities in their history and cultures, they do not have many things in common in education. I found it very interesting, so in this report, I want to compare these two countries’ education.
First, I want to compare the educational system and basic facts in both countries, so that I can find some focus points in their differences. Next, I will track down to find the causes or reasons why they are so different in that way, looking over some social structures and historical backgrounds of both Brazil and Cuba.

참고 자료

Brazil Guide, Private schools: Private education in Brazil, Retrieved from
Paulo Renato Souza Consultores, Tendências Consultoria Integrada, Núcleo de Estudos
de Políticas Públicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, (2005) Sector study for
Education in Brazil, JBIC Sector Study Series 2004-No. 2, p. 5.
요시다 다로, (2012), 교육천국 쿠바를 가다, 파피에. P91.
CIA World Book, retrieved from
Jeong Jinsang, (2011), Elementary school and the community in Cuba, 비판사회학회,
Vol-No. 89. P 367-398.
UNESCO (2004), Global Monitoring Report 2005 – Literacy for Life, Retrieved from
David N Plank, (1996) The means of Our Salvation: Public Education in Brazil, 1930-
1995, West view Press.
조돈문, (2003), 브라질 신자유주의 경제정책과 노동자 삶의 조건: 워싱턴 컨센
서스의 파산과 “정당성 전이” 효과, 라틴아메리카연구, Vol. 16 No. 2, p 3.
Yves Keller, Inequality and Economic Growth in Brazil, Department of Economics at the
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
회원 소개글이 없습니다.
인문/어학, 사회과학, 교육학
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