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Konglish -콩글리쉬

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최종 저작일
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영어로 작성된 자료 입니다.

미국 대학 사회언어학 수업시간 과제 였습니다.

KONGLISH 에 관한 내용 입니다.


Creation of Konglish
Origin of Konglish
Type of Konglish
Negative effects of Konglish


`Konglish is the use of English words in a Korean context. The words, having initially been taken from English Language common sentence structure or vocabulary mistakes made by Koreans has also been referred to as Konglish.` (From the dictionary site Wikipedia accessed 05.03.2010) Nowadays, there would be no people cannot speak a word or a sentence of English in usual life. English is often used in TV or a radio. Even if the word `TV` and `radio` are come from English. Like this, many people speak English even they don`t notice. However, some people don`t know that their English, which doesn`t use in other English countries, is used only in Korea. People call it `Konglish`

<중 략>

It is therefore worth noting that it would be an important step to ensure that the future generations are in a position to clearly understand and use their language without any alterations or additions. Just like the Koreans take up and learn English as a second language, it would be nice to see the foreigners coming into Korea also taking up the study of Korean as a second language (Robinson, 2000). It would even be more interesting if this language were taught in its pure form without any additions or modifications whatsoever.

참고 자료

Ellis, N. C. (1997). Vocabulary acquisition: Word structure, collocation, word-class, and meaning. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp.122-139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hyunjeong, N. (2010). "Konglish, Korean L2 learners' unique inter-language: Its definition, categories and lexical entries". Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26(4), 275-308.
Jandt, F. (2001). Intercultural communication. CA: Sage publications.
Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, J. (2000). Communication in Korea: Playing things by eye. In Samovar, L., & Porter, R. (Eds.) Intercultural communication(pp. 74-81). CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Jenkins J. Routledge. (2003). World Englishes.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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