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Age and Second Language Acquisition, 영어교육학, 제 2외국어 학습

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


약 8 page 로 된 영문에세이 호주대학에서 레포트로 제출 A받은 에세이




With the rise of globalisation, English has become the Lingua Franca as a tool to communicate among people from different countries in numerous situations and areas (Nikolov & Djigunovic, 2006, p.234). Therefore, people in various countries are closely connected economically, politically and culturally and many people are required to acquire a foreign language. As a result, there have been many researches and evidence on whether age has a great impact on second language acquisition. This essay will illustrate neurological, phonological and affective factors and the Critical Period Hypothesis as evidence that children have advantages in second language acquisition.

<중 략>

The teacher offers plenty of sources and creates interest through various classroom activities such as games, skits. In short, after having enough comprehensible inputs, speech comes naturally as does language acquisition (Brown, 2007, p. 80). However, this method also has its limitations. Language used is elementary and it stresses only listening among four language skills, listening, reading, writing, and speaking so only beginners can benefit from the method. Despite its limitations, the Natural Approach’s effort to lower learner’s anxiety to speak the target language and make learning processes natural is a great lesson derived from the method (Brown, 2007, p.80).

참고 자료

Brown, H.D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. NY, USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Comrie, B., & Corbett,G.(2009). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. London, UK: Hodder Education part of Hachette Livre UK

Nejadansari,D., & Nasrollahzadeh,J.(2011). Effect of Age on Second language Acquisition: CSCanada, 3, 19-24. doi:10.3968/j.sll.1923 156320110303.059

Nikolov, M., & Djigunovic,J.M.(2006)Recent Research on Age Second Language Acquisition, and Early Foreign Language Learning: Annual Review of Applied Linguistics,26, 234-260.

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