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AWhiteHeron 요약 줄거리

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A White HeronSarah Orne Jewett

Sarah Orne Jewett
Sarah Oren Jewett (September 3, 1849 ? June 24, 1909) was an American novelist and short story writer, best known for her local color works.
She published her first important story in the Atlantic Monthly at age 19, and her reputation grew throughout the 1870s and 1880s. Her literary importance arises from her careful, if subdued, vignettes of country life that reflect a contemporary interest in local color rather than plot.
On September 3, 1902, Jewett was injured in a carriage accident that all but ended her writing career. She was paralyzed by a stroke in March 1909, and she died on June 24 after suffering another. The Georgian home of the Jewett family, built in 1774 overlooking Central Square at South Berwick, is now a National Historic Landmark and Historic New England museum called the Sarah Orne Jewett House

Nine-year-old Sylvia has come from the city to live in the New England woods with her grandmother, Mrs. Tilley. A

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