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Cursed masterpiece Blade Runner - 저주받은 걸작 블레이드 러너

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Blade Runner의 감상문을 영작했습니다.


1. Cursed masterpiece

2. Background Story


1. Cursed masterpiece

when many films will be released, In tremendous good reviews, The film got some good results. But a few years later, it disappears. On the other hand, at the time of opening, critics and movie audiences have been horrifying exterior. But after all these years, the film is running in the reinterpretation and revaluation, The film remained a long time.

Blade Runner is a masterpiece of the damned. Released at the time, Blade Runner has been thoroughly ignored. Much over 20 years, until now, the film`s value is being actively refocusing. This is rare. Blade Runner has remained steady for lives by mania. Even the critics, Blade Runner is the best SF movie from the 80s is being hailed. I wondered if the film being re-evaluated. The film`s basic story is very simple.

참고 자료

블레이드 러너 - 합성인간의 목표는 생존 - ( 편집부 , 한국천주교중앙협의회(경향잡지) , 1970.01.01)
The Construction of Human Subjectivity in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (영화 〈블레이드 러너〉에 나타난 인간 주체성의 해석) ( Sohyoung Chung , 문학과영상학회 , 1970.01.01)
Blade Runner: Suenan los Androides Con Ovejas Electricas? / Blade Runner: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Paperback / Translated) - Spanish Edition ( Dick, Philip K. , Ediciones Urano , 2005.01.01)
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Cursed masterpiece Blade Runner - 저주받은 걸작 블레이드 러너
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