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[영어 테솔 문법 레슨플렌] Tesol grammar Lesson Plan (How to use commas correctly)

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[영어 테솔 문법 레슨플렌] Tesol grammar Lesson Plan (How to use commas correctly)

이 자료는 미국 대학교에서 테솔을 전공하고 있는
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Grammar part 중 콤마(comma)를 정확하게 사용하는 방법에 대해서
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테솔수업준비하시는분, 영어교육과에 다니시는 분께 추천합니다.


Commas After Introductions
-Introductory Clauses
-Introductory Phrases
-Introductory Words

When to Use a Comma
When not to Use a Comma

Using Commas
Rule #1:~#15

Commas: Exercise #1
Commas: Exercise #2
Commas: Exercise #3
answer key


Commas After Introductions

Introductory Clauses
Introductory clauses are dependent clauses that provide background information or "set the stage" for the main part of the sentence, the independent clause. For example:
• If they want to win, athletes must exercise every day. (introductory dependent clause, main clause)
• Because he kept barking insistently, we threw the ball for Smokey. (introductory dependent clause, main clause)
Clue: Introductory clauses start with adverbs like after, although, as, because, before, if, since, though, until, when, etc.
Introductory Phrases
Introductory phrases also set the stage for the main action of the sentence, but they are not complete clauses. Phrases don`t have both a subject and a verb that are separate from the subject and verb in the main clause of the sentence. Common introductory phrases include prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, participial phrases, infinitive phrases, and absolute phrases.
• To stay in shape for competition, athletes must exercise every day. (introductory infinitive phrase, main clause)
• Barking insistently, Smokey got us to throw his ball for him. (introductory participial phrase, main clause)
• A popular and well respected mayor, Bailey was the clear favorite in the campaign for governor. (introductory appositive phrase, main clause)
• The wind blowing violently, the townspeople began to seek shelter. (introductory absolute phrase, main clause)
• After the adjustment for inflation, real wages have decreased while corporate profits have grown. (introductory prepositional phrases, main clause)

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